ALUMINAK is becoming the mediator between rural communities and international cohorts, leveraging local economy and boosting tourism. Explore local cultures as in the pre-colonial era and nurture from it, be inspired, co-create, develop and grow.
Ancestral spirits:
Return to Humanity’s Roots

Human Centered
Sanctuaries in
ALUMINAK Sustainable Hospitality provides co-living accommodations in remote, rural destinations for mid-to-long term stays in an eco friendly and organically artistic environment.

Spirituality & HOLISTIC Health
Body, Mind and Soul
ALUMINAK holistic health is emotional, occupational, social and spiritual.
Our program is a human centered symbiosis of healing and meditation, culinary experiences and self exploration.

Co-working Spaces:
Sustainable Infrastructure
and Latest Technology
The property is built around local and organic materials with an infrastructure that is supported with the latest, sustainable technology in hospitality. Together, ARIAx and ALUMINAK co-created and tested the spaces to make sure that sustainability, conservation and environment are meeting the needs of the future of co-living and co-working.

Organic Artistry
and Entrepreneurship
to Reactivate Rural Economies
ARIAx is currently designing the ALUMINAK entrepreneurship program.
Through the platform cohorts can gather, be productive and collaborate with local artisans. This will attract skilled talent and reactivate economies in peripheral regions, foster craftsmanship and partnerships in organic artistry.

© 2022 by ARIAx