Harnessing the Power of Community
Created for scientists, by scientists, CancerAppy Community is the world’s first open professional community in collaborative cancer research. Share data and actionable insights across the research community, globally. Work more efficiently and faster within and across teams and organizations anywhere, anytime.
This will truly create the future of collaborative cancer research.

AI in Oncology: Ideation
and Business Model Innovation
ARIAx helped CancerAppy ideate and create a future proof, scalable business model for the platform with DrugOptimization at its center, an AI-based methodology to process large-scale heterogeneous data sets and discern medically relevant patterns. This includes the definition and implementation of key partnerships and pricing strategy for market entry.

Digital wireframing with extended
platform functionalities
ARIAx designed the digital wireframes for version 2.0 of the platform based on the outcomes of the ideation phase. With the end user in mind, we redefined the UX/UI and workflows to intuitively guide the researchers and scientists throughout the different phases of their discovery and development of novel cancer drugs.

Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Drug Discovery
and Development
The CancerAppy® Platform is designed to minimize the hit-and-miss nature of R&D, identify novel therapeutic proteins, and eventually discover new drugs for cancer – a traditionally cost intense and time consuming process – with enhanced speed, accuracy and success.

© 2022 by ARIAx